Bush lake park shelter 3
Bush lake park shelter 3

bush lake park shelter 3

Book and pay for your ten­nis court online before you arrive.Īssis­tance dogs are per­mit­ted in most pub­lic places and are there­fore wel­come in South Australia’s parks and reserves.

bush lake park shelter 3

Ten­nis courts 1, 2, 32 and 33 are acces­si­ble. Pic­nic areasĮnjoy an open-air lunch at the acces­si­ble pic­nic ground at Play­ford Lake and at the far end of the Pines Pic­nic Area 1. Some assis­tance may be required on the climb back to Old Gov­ern­ment House from the adven­ture playground.ĭogs on a lead are also welcome. The trail is a mix of hard packed grav­el sur­face and bitu­men. It is rec­om­mend­ed to start the walk from Old Gov­ern­ment House and should be done in an anti-clock­wise direc­tion. The trail is best to be com­plet­ed in a clock­wise direction. Between the lake and the car park area the trail has a short sec­tion of bro­ken bitu­men with a small lip that may require assis­tance. In places the edge of the bitu­men path has bro­ken away and there are occa­sion­al rip­ples in the sur­face due to tree roots under the sur­face. The major­i­ty of the trail is bitu­men with a few short sec­tions of hard packed grav­el. The trail starts at the car park and pic­nic area at Play­ford Lake.

  • Old Gov­ern­ment House and State Flo­ra Nurs­ery ( 1).
  • Kar­ka Pavil­ion ( 1 - right hand opening).
  • For infor­ma­tion about facil­i­ties in oth­er areas of the park, please ask for facil­i­ty loca­tions at the vis­i­tor infor­ma­tion cen­tre at the entrance to the park.Īcces­si­ble toi­lets are avail­able at fol­low­ing loca­tions (num­ber available) See the Belair Nation­al Park - Acces­si­bil­i­ty map for loca­tions of facil­i­ties in the main entrance area.

    bush lake park shelter 3

    We are cur­rent­ly work­ing on get­ting acces­si­ble facil­i­ties added to all of our park maps for Belair Nation­al Park. There are many acces­si­ble toi­lets in Belair Nation­al Park. Wal­nut Pad­dock - pro­vides access to Adven­ture Play­ground ( 1).Gold Escort Pic­nic Ground - pro­vides access to Adven­ture Play­ground ( 1).Main ten­nis court area - near coun­try club ( 1).Cor­ner of entry and exit road - near infor­ma­tion cen­tre ( 1).Belair Nation­al Park Infor­ma­tion Office ( 1).For infor­ma­tion about facil­i­ties in oth­er areas of the park, please ask for facil­i­ty loca­tions at the vis­i­tor infor­ma­tion cen­tre at the entrance to the park.Īcces­si­ble car parks are avail­able at fol­low­ing loca­tions (num­ber available) There are many acces­si­ble park­ing spaces in Belair Nation­al Park. Belair Nation­al Park - Acces­si­bil­i­ty map.You can share your com­ments, pic­tures and videos with us and oth­ers by tag­ging on Face­book, Insta­gram or email us. Parks are for all to enjoy, we would love to hear from you about your expe­ri­ence in nature. (times list­ed are approx­i­mate and are weath­er dependent) Open week­ends, pub­lic hol­i­days and school hol­i­days: 10: 30 am - 3: 30 pm Belair Kiosk at the Adven­ture Playground The nurs­ery is closed Good Fri­day, Christ­mas Day, New Year’s Day and on days of Cat­a­stroph­ic Fire Dan­ger (Mount Lofty Ranges Fire Ban District). Week­ends and pub­lic hol­i­days: 10: 00 am - 4: 00 pm State Flo­ra Nurs­ery in Belair Nation­al Park Open the first and third Sun­day of each month and pub­lic hol­i­days, from 1 – 4 pm.

    bush lake park shelter 3

    Week­ends and pub­lic hol­i­days: 9: 00 am - 4: 30 pm Old Gov­ern­ment House buildings Lis­ten to your local area radio sta­tion for the lat­est updates and infor­ma­tion on fire safety. Infor­ma­tion on what to do in the event of a fire.Infor­ma­tion on fire bans and cur­rent fire conditions.You can deter­mine the cur­rent fire dan­ger rat­ing by check­ing the Fire Ban Dis­trict map on the CFS website.Ĭheck the CFS web­site or call the CFS Bush­fire Infor­ma­tion Hot­line 1800 362 361 for: This park is closed on days of Cat­a­stroph­ic Fire Dan­ger and may also be closed on days of Extreme Fire Danger. Hot­ter months, Day­light Sav­ing Time: 8: 00 am - 9: 00 pm (Closed on Christ­mas Day)Ĭold­er months, stan­dard time: 8: 00 am - 7: 00 pm What to do if you find an injured animal.What's new in South Australia's national parks.

    Bush lake park shelter 3